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Showing posts from January, 2011

How to answer your inner critic

In the Academic Writing Club , we ask people about the negative thoughts that are swirling through their preconscious mind, then we ask them to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.  Every once in a while, I'm inspired by what people write.  Here is one positive response that I particularly like (published with permission):  "It is there. It is all there. It is a question of emphasis and reorganization of ideas. Just be patient. let the logic emerge and flow through you. Getting impatient and frustrated is not conducive to seeing patterns and gaps. You will do it in good time. Just take a deep breath." It's very powerful to write down your negative thoughts (we all have them -- just pay close attention).  Responding to those thoughts in writing, as if you were speaking to a good friend who just said those negative things, will help you break through those blocks and stop the cycle of procrastination.

15 Tips for Postponing Writing Procrastination

Thanks to my friend and colleague, Meggin McIntosh for providing this great article! By Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. The Ph.D. of Productivity™ Reno, NV | Heaven only knows that being writers, we can all procrastinate. You could probably generate a whole list of ways that you have procrastinated. But let’s not procrastinate - you're actually reading this article (and using the ideas to help you postpone procrastination). Let us get to 15 tips to help you postpone your procrastination around writing. Clean off your desk. You might think that this is actually a way to procrastinate, and it can be. What I am suggesting here though is the idea that when it is time to write, you have a cleaned-off surface. Notice when you are messing around and only pretending to write. I will make the assumption that you are an adult and that you have the executive control functions required to be a productive grown-up. Given that fact, you know perfectly well when you are fiddling